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Salina Cosmetics Orglow Instant Organic Face Brightening Mask Review

Hello guys! finally i'm back with another review,first of all i will like to apologize for not posting a lot lately but i have too much stuff left which i will share with you guys soon.The product i'm gonna talk about today is Salina Cosmetics Orglow Instant Organic Face Brightening Mask,this mask is super popular in Pakistan and seriously i have my eye on this for a long time and finally got a chance to try it.


Salina Cosmetics is the Pakistani Beauty Brand which has already introduced their skincare and haircare line which is 100% organic.
The brand is owned by the Salina Taqi (yoga expert and co-founder of ultimate detox) .

These are some of products Salina Cosmetics have introduced till now;


🌿 Orglow Organic face mask.

🌿 ClearGlow Organic Anti Acne face mask.


🌿 Scrubglow Exfoliating Body Scrub.

Hair treatment:

🌿 CocoGrow Hair Growth & Moisturising Protein Treatment.

🌿 Twistie Towel.


Orglow is our 100% organic and 100% natural face brightening and whitening mask.
Made completely with natural ingredients, no chemicals of any kind are added, so it doesn’t harm your skin in any way!

How to Use: Get ready to GLOW!

Take 1 leveled tablespoon of orglow:Add 1 tablespoon of fresh yogurt Mix thoughly and apply evenly on face and neck.Leave for 5-10 minutes .Rinse off gently with light circular movements (please do not rub off).


First of all, i'm kind of in love the packaging the holographic geometric print is so impressive.The mask is in powder form so you have to mix it with yogurt, i've tried it with water and it works well but definitely the results are more prominent with the yogurt.As i have a acne-prone skin and my skin reacts so quickly(in worst way) but this mask does not break me out.It really brigtens and hydrate my skin and my skin feels so healthy and glowy.Orglow Instant Organic Face Brightening Mask impressed me 👏🏼 i mean it does what it claims.

How i apply this mask:

I used the masks at night time mostly.After cleansing (oil cleansing+foam cleanser)my face i take the Orglow Instant Organic Face Brightening Mask and fresh yogurt in the same quantity which is mostly 1 tablespoon each and mix them together and than i splash lukewarm water on my face, dry it a bit and than apply it on my face and neck and let it sit on for 15 min and wash with lukewarm water while gently massaging my face in circular motion.finally splash with cold water to close the pores and afterwards i follow my usual skincare.

TIP: always used mask on cleansed face and use lukewarm water before because it helps the mask to work more efficiently.


I swatch it on my arm and its actually the area where i didn't apply the mask and where i applied the mask,you can see the difference clearly, after applying the mask the skin looks more brighter and hydrated.


🌿 nice packaging.

🌿 its Organic (no chemicals).

🌿 it brightens,tighten and lighten the skin.

🌿 does not cause acne.

🌿 it hydrates and give a nice glow.


🌿 no ingredient mentioned.

🌿 not very travel friendly.

I will definitely recommend this if you are looking for a nice organic mask which will make your skin brighter and hydrated.

It cost 1000 PKR. (around 10$),you can buy this from their official website salina cosmetics.

RATE: 9/10

Finally i will like to thanks Salina Cosmetics for sending me this amazing mask.

I've given my honest opinion about the mask i hope you guys enjoy reading this post and let me know if what you guys think about this mask.

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