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30,000 Words on "The Shining" - Yes, Please!

If you've got an hour (or two) on your hands anytime in the next whenever, take advantage of Mstrmnd's incredible scholarship & depth of reading devoted to Kubrick's "The Shining" in this deluxe essay. It weighs in at a whopping 30,000 words, and there ain't many wasted in the lot, neither.

Don't get too intimidated by the long copy at the top; prolific anonymous culture scholar Mstrmnd segues into image analysis before you even think about getting bored. 

 I have seen "The Shining" a dozen times at least and never have I noticed the complexities we're shown here; Mirror images layered over frames, for instance, a ton of them in fact, are invisible to the casual viewer's naked eye but present nonetheless, haunting "The Shining" with its own ghosts in both form and function. Once again, Kubrick never dies.

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