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HoiTahPoiSha Month On The Carroll Bryant Blog

Hey everyone, I just wanted to make it official that July 2013 is "HoiTahPoiSha" month on my blog! If you haven't heard of them yet, don't worry, you will. (Like now?) Ha-ha. Their names are Lor and Miz.

I was fortunate enough to stumble onto these two amazing visual artists and I was so taken by their work, I just had to share them with you guys. They make being happy cool!

This post also serves as an introduction to an exclusive interview I recently did with them and will be posting right here on this blog on Friday, July 5th, 2013. (In just a few days!) How cool is that?

So have a great July 4th weekend! Enjoy the fireworks and then, oh, by the way, drop by and checkout the interview! You don't want to miss it. I will also post a few more of their videos in the days following the interview throughout the month of July for all of those who show up late for the party with links to the interview.

Meanwhile, here are a couple of their videos from their Youtube channel. So check them out, have fun, and enjoy the interview on July 5th, 2013. (Again, just a few days away.) LOL

Happy fourth everyone!!! It's a party in the USA! Party with HoiTahPoiSha!

HoiTahPoiSha - "Hooked On A Feeling" - Starring Lor (and her sister)

HoitahPoisha - SLEEP OVER!

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