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Brand's InnerShine Marine Collagen Essence Strip Review: Does It Work?

Brand's, the maker of Essence of Chicken and Bird's Nest supplements, has branched out from just its staples of chicken essence and the like to include more beauty-related products with their "InnerShine" line. The Marine Collagen Essence Strip is just one of them; the company also has a Innershine Berry Essence and newer, heavily-promoted Innershine RubyCollagen Essence. But it's never too late to review a product as interesting as this one, surely!

Brand's Innershine Marine Collagen Essence Strip: Collagen, Niacinamide, and Vitamin E.

Interesting because, like most other ingestible collagen supplements, Brand's claims that its product "supplies skin with collagen, Niacinamide (a form of Vitamin B3), and Vitamin E to maintain its suppleness and elasticity." It also is "a delicious, low calorie beauty supplement in jelly format" and they recommend that you take it twice a day, "once in the morning with your daytime skincare regimen and once more in the evening with your nighttime skincare regimen". Some very impressive claims! And, if you've been reading other beauty blogs, you'll see that pretty much all of them have raved and written lots of positive things about the product. Sounds good, right?

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