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Add Cute Social Media Buttons to Your Blog - Going Social + Photos of the Week

Found on athgo

Hello, friends. How are you? Yeah. It's good to be back. So in the last post I mentioned making some changes in an effort to refresh my blog.

What changed? To begin with, I've decided to change my social media approach regarding my blog and integrate social media into my site.

I'm happy to announce that CUT and DRY is finally getting social! There is no doubt that blogs are indeed social media. What I really want to say is that I finally realized that social media is important and I really need to get more actively involved with my social media platforms. Keep in mind that integrating your blog with social media is a great way to maximize your web traffic to your site. So, find some social media icons you like and add them to your site.
Speaking of, social media buttons are easy to set up, most importantly, eye-catching enough to draw reader to your social networks profiles. They also let the visitor stay on the site and share the content on their social media profiles with just a click.

In this post you'll also find some pretty Free Social Media Buttons for your blog. Just for fun!
I've done the rounds of searching for cute social media icons that are free and I found these super lovely sets of social media buttons for you. 
Honestly, I can't count the amount of time I have spent surfing on different social media platforms  over the past couple of weeks.
There are probably so many social media channels out there that you can choose from but the trick here is to ensure that every engagement done has a high chance of success as it can be really hard to figure out which ones to use. Is it worth the time investment? How to use them?

Found on Graphic Mania net

Social media can be tricky. Because it can be so time-consuming, but it is still well worth it!
Social networks have become a part of everyone's life- in fact, social media has become a natural part of our daily browsing. Engaging in social media is key to achieving visibility, and for building new on-line relationships.
So I picked...
three social media channels- the ones that work best for me. Remember, you don't need to be everywhere.
Who can actually have time to be active on every social media platform? Who can keep up with it all, it's simply impossible. In trying to be everywhere, we are nowhere. Pick the ones you find suit your blog best. Better to use one or two social media platforms really effectively than it is to spread yourself too thin.

I use Google Plus a lot. I find that Google+ is usually the one I go "easy" on. I keep myself maximum active on G+ just because I love it. We first crossed paths late in 2012 and haven't looked back since.

I don't use Twitter as much and find that there is a little to no activity on my account there in terms of following.

Pinterest, which I use sporadically- I need to reactivate my Pinterest acoount- is a virtual pin board for images, where you categorize things that you love. Pinterest can be a great way to find inspiration...
and connect with readers. 

Free Social Media Icons Sets- Best of. Found on hongkiat

Awesome Free Social Media Icons. Found on tutvid
Awesome Free Social Media Icons. Found on Lovelydsgn

BlogHer  is our latest love. BlogHer is a platform for sharing great voices, stories and trends among women in social media. You can easily set up a profile in about 10 minutes. Once you have an account with BlogHer, you can opt to write a post right on their site! If you have a link to your blog in the piece, it's also another way to showcase your work. You don't have to do it often, but it is a good idea to try it out.  BlogHer can be also a great way to make connections and even find blog post ideas.

Here's a post written by me on Blogher, if you'd like to see.

50 Amazing Free Icon Sets. Found on Six Revisions

I'd love to hear, what do you think about social media? What are your favourite social media platforms?

Pictures of the Week

Found on the flicr WithUibelong . Galleries

Smokin' Graciela. This is the famous "cigar lady" from Havana, Graciela, in her late 80's. Most folks traveling to Havana seem to take her photo. She lets tourists take photographs of her for a few pesos.
I'm starting to think Graciela is the most bad-ass persona I've ever seen.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend. And don't forget to smile. xx 

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