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litter and other sights

Jack and I went for a long walk yesterday. It is rare that I am on my own when walking Jack and it was really nice. I am loaded with the cold (but improving) and couldn't hear my thoughts through all the sneezes. I didn't last at work, too much concentration required. But I didn't feel unwell enough to snuggle up on the sofa so took Jack for an adventure instead. Well, it was just our usual walk along the canal and the River Kelvin but I went a good bit further than normal. It was overcast but not cold, the colours muted to dull but I enjoyed being in the fresh air with a healthy happy dog. His training is coming along. Jack no longer chases bike riders or joggers and can sometimes even resist other dogs.
I love living in Glasgow, can't really imagine living anywhere else for now. Apart from the weather, there is only one other thing that I cannot get used to: the litter. Glaswegians are pure litterbugs. Litter is ruining many a beautiful sight. Let me just show you some I spotted on my otherwise lovely walk.

Isn't it disgusting? I particularly hate dog poo bags hanging from branches and railings. I am not sure if things have been improving since we moved here or if I have developed a bit of a blind eye for the littered landscape. Maybe a bit of both. Some stretches along the canal are quite bad but I haven't seen a burnt out car for a while, and just one shopping trolley, and that was in the Kelvin, far from any supermarket. 

All was not bad though and there were some beautiful sights along the way. I prefer the bright colours of summer but the muted colours of late February matched my mood. But Spring is well on its way, look at all the bright green shoots and buds!

Seeing the ducks reminded me of James. He is currently very interested in reproduction and the other day, when watching the ducks, he explained to me that one half of a baby duck came out of the daddy, the other of the mummy. He didn't clarify which parent provides the top half, or if maybe the split was length wise? It was so funny. Funnier still was that James insisted that this was exactly what daddy had explained to him. Must talk to Richard.

Today I was back at work. It was a long day with a networking event from 4:30. I left the three younger with a friend, who fed and watered them. I got them at 6:30 and went home. Below is what I found. Sam in the kitchen (a bit out of focus, you have to be quick with teenagers). He made a pizza for me and himself totally from scratch, with his own tomato sauce and all. He also set the table for the two of us, made Ovaltine chocolate brownies AND tidied the kitchen. How cool is that? It is really nice to see through that teenage cocoon from the time to time, catching glimpses of the young man that is to emerge hopefully one day soon.

A good start to the weekend indeed! It is going to be a busy one but I do hope to sit down with a cup of coffee and catch up with blogs at some point. I have not had a chance to read many this week.
I wish you all a great weekend! Cx

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