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Sunday, 06-02-22

Good morning!

Today's target:
EAT S-L-O-O-O-O-W-L-Y!   :-)

I used up the prepped chips yesterday by parboiling and freezing them and it worked really well; they were delicious and lovely and fluffy inside.
You probably already know this bit, in case not, this is what to do.

Peel (or just wash) a nice starchy potato(es) and cut into chips (or wedges).  Soak in water for a while to remove a bit of the starch.
Put a pan of salted water on to boil and, when boiling, add the drained chips, bring the water back up to boiling and simmer for four minutes.
Strain the chips through a colander or sieve and let them steam dry and cool.

On a suitable sized baking tray, put some easy-leave or parchment (to stop the chips freezing to the tray) and spread the chips out so they are not touching.  Cover with another sheet (and I always put the freezer bag and a baggie on top so they are there) and put the tray of chips into the freezer.
When they are frozen solid they can be popped into the bag.
Take out what you need, when you need it.

Treat them like the commercial frozen chips except that you will need to add some oil - I just use spray oil - and you can add any seasonings or spice mixes you fancy.  Cajun spice is nice!

I use either King Edwards or Maris Piper for my chips - they are so nice.

I think I will do some more today- they are a useful thing to have in the freezer

Yesterday's meals:

Evidence that I look my breakfast fruit with me on the morning walk to eat when we stopped for coffee at the coffee shop in Admirals Park.  The others laughed but I really don't care!

Shame about the shocking photo but not to worry!
A bacon, cheese and onion chutney toasties for lunch and it was absolutely scrummy!
The toastie contained less than the planned one and a half As, more like one.
(yes, I used a climpie - my new wee gadget)

Then I had a pear.

Later on I had the oat milk shake and it was lovely.

Dinner was roasted med veg with a spicy spice mix called Montreal steak seasoning and I added some salmon for the last ten to fifteen minutes.  With the reduced number of chips, it was delicious and plenty for me.

I finished off with a Mullerlight - a new to me flavour, millionaire's shortbread.  It was nice - nothing like the biscuit/cake, of course, but nice enough all the same.

Today's meal plans:

B:  porridge, jam
Just what it says with some no added sugar jam spooned on top - like rice pudding but oats instead.  (note to self - must make some rice pudding at some point)
SW:  one healthy extra B, half a healthy extra A, one syn (jam)

L:  crustless quiche, salad; fruit
I haven't made quiche for ages so it is about time I did.  I will use onion, pepper, mushroom and some salmon cooked yesterday with the salmon I did for dinner and it will probably use two eggs.
SW:  one healthy extra A and one syn for some mayo

SN (possibly): oat milk shake
Most people plan their snacks for the evening.  Me - I need them late afternoon)  Habit?  Possibly!  It's a nice way to use up a healthy extra A anyway.
SW:  half a healthy extra A

D:  steak, marmite mushrooms, assorted med veg, a few chips; yogurt
The marmite mushrooms is the PoN recipe.  They say have it on toast for breakfast but I say it will make a lovely mushroom sauce for steak!
The chips are the rest of the ones I froze yesterday and I'll try them in the actifry, seeing as the oven won't be on.  The veg was cooked yesterday so just needs reheating.
SW:  two syns for some philly light if I use it (I might use quark) and half a syn for dessert

E:   Probably a walk somewhere and, of course, the kettle squats.

two healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
four and a half syns

From the freezer:

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