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Movie Meme!

I love these. Hehe. Thanks to Castor at Anomalous Material for the tag! Seven movie questions, answered by me, NOW...

1) What was your first movie going experience?

I actually vividly remember it, it was Hunchback of Notre Dame. I can literally visualize probably the last 30 seconds of my time there. Obviously it had a great impression on me!

2) How many DVDs do you own?

Wow, not actually that much. I myself probably own about 15, but my parents own like, 100. I consider their collection my collection as well. ;)

3) What is your guilty pleasure movie?

I have so, so many! One that comes off the top of my head is "Get Smart". Apparently people dislike that movie but I think it's hysterical. Also, really any stupid movie, I actually was going hysterical during "Paul Blart: Mall Cop".

4) You have compiled a list of your top 100 movies. Which ones didn't make the cut?

Well, I haven't quite made an ultimate list yet. I'm hoping to get to it soon, but I know that when I do there will be some popular ones that sadly just can't make it over. My "favorite" movies are very meticulously decided. Haha.

5) What movies do you compulsively watch over and over again?

Compulsion...sadly, I can't say that I really watch any movies compulsively...I just don't want to rewatch a movie when there are so many more to see! However, movies that I saw several times in a short period of time include: "Inglourious Basterds", "Hairspray", and I'll watch over and over anything by Hayao Miyazaki.

Actually, I watch "Waiting for Guffman" compulsively. Definitely.

6) Classics you're embarrassed to admit you haven't seen yet?

There are hundreds. Including but not limited to... "The Godfather", "Adam's Rib" (and much of Katharine Hepburn's filmography). Don't hate me! I shall fix it right away. Any films that I absolutely must see, now? Respond in comments! Hehe!

7) What movie posters do you have hanging on your wall?

Well, since my living arrangements are kind of spastic, and I don't really have one concrete ROOM, I haven't gotten a chance to really personalize. But, I really want to get a "Spirited Away" poster. I also think an "Inglourious Basterds" poster with Melanie Laurent would be amazing.

Well, I hope these responses were satisfying! I suppose it's my turn to tag some peeps. So I shall...though it's late and if I forget to tag you, don't hesitate to do it if you want!

Luke from Journalistic Skepticism
Simon from Four of Them
Andrew from Encore Entertainment
Malcom from The Final Oscar

Have at it!

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