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Joyful Springter Light

The past few days the weather here has been finicky, and persnickety... sunny and nice one minute, and a cold wind blowing with snow/ice pellets the next.  Yet, I've learned that this emotional weather ... springter if you will (a coined phrase I love for the converging of the two seasons together)....  is really one of joyful light and beauty.

Yesterday we took a late afternoon drive.  Now that the time has changed, there is time to enjoy a bit more daylight, and we took advantage of it!

Being sick and cooped up in the house for several days, we both were ready to get out of the house for a bit.

The last few days the weather has been hormonal, emotional, ragged and raw... any word combo you can think of to describe unsettled! Today was no different...

But I love every minute of it!  The skies are so full of emotion as the clouds clamor over the mountains...

Shades of blue twisting and rolling across the horizon...


... and lightening!  You can see the eagles taking advantage of the swirling cloud formations as they drifted in the air above us.

Too far away for a good picture... but their calls still echo in my mind, high and shrill, piercing...

Darkness was slowly creeping around the corners, and shadows were deepening.

We drove down a road we hadn't been on in several years and found this sparkling little mountain lake.

It was flooded now with springtime run-off.

There was a cozy little campground here around the lake, perfect for a summer's evening.  Tonight, it was rather chilly with the wind blowing and temps hovering in the 30s.

Snow still lingered here too.

With all our snow being gone for the past month or so at our place, it felt strange to be driving in the white stuff again... just a few miles from our house!  But that is just how the mountains are.

If you want some exciting driving, it's free for the taking on these mountain roads... we had to maneuver around downed trees, snow, ice, and two huge mud bogs that I prayed through as we crossed, both coming and going! I was glad to get back on the solid ground again!

The skies held an incredible display for us as we drove.  My husband is a patient man, learning when to stop at just the right place for the perfect view {smiles}....

The richness of the scene before us was joyous.... after being sick and indoors for several days... to get out and witness this feast for the eyes... a blessing indeed!

My husband left today to tend to business, and my heart is always heavy when he has to leave.

We enjoy every precious moment together that we have... and as the skies showcased their grandeur, our hearts breathed in the glorious joy of the moment.

The night comes, as it always does... stealing the warm glow of the sun from the skies, and covering the world in shadows...

But the sun spreads its radiance with glowing splendor, promising...

... another beautiful tomorrow.

The winter's snow last vestiges hold on in the mountains... but the glowing sunshine promises with gentle beams of warmth...

Spring is coming!  The days are getting longer... and there is hope in every sunset, a promise in every sunrise, and joy... beautiful joy in the springter light.

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