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It's Over

The tree is down and all cards on the doors. Unfortunately, or not, there is Christmas chocolate. The temperatures have been in low 70s and high 60s and dry. I like the temperature and lack of humidity.

I thought the thing Tommy needed most was protection from rain. But, that was not to be. Even at full price, there was nothing that would suit him. I knew this from discussions. He is like me in that he gets too warm using anything water repellant with a flannel lining. Or any lining! Still, I will try the thrift store where there are guys who will actually help with looking.

About two weeks before Christmas, I saw Rubik cubes in the store. I knew he would like that and got us both one.

About a week before Christmas, I picked up a sock from the floor near where I sit. It had a hole in the heel I could put my fist through. So, I knew what I could get him he could use. At Belk's are Gold Toe socks, prohibitively expensive. I counted on their sales. Three pair were $20 but $6.99 on sale. Gold Toe lasts forever.

He liked the Rubik's cube and really liked the socks. He said most all of his socks had holes in them. I bought a Rubik's cube last year that I could barely twist. I suppose it is dying in the dump. I checked the cubes I got and they twist easily.

His present for me was huge and in a large white garbage bad with a piece of green tissue paper lying over the top and two red pieces of ribbon just lying on top. He said he tried to get me something I needed. He chose a plastic dresser-like thing, three drawers and about a foot wide. He said maybe it would help me in the bedroom. Yes, it would.

We have not been out of the driveway since Christmas Eve. It's Friday night and I have a turkey in the oven. Once again, it took both of us to get it out of refrigerator, into pan, and into the oven.

For dinner we had grilled cheese sandwich, tomato and a halo. We are so exciting.

My children had rubik cubes. Now, I have one. Did or do you? Have you ever had experience with Gold Toe socks and their durability?

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