For entertainment purposes, I've placed emojis to mark each bag.
I've thought of putting the contents into my collection. But, in all honesty, I don't think I have space. Also, I fear the weight will cause the partitions that sandwich my storage containers to collapse. Does anyone else have this problem?
Now, I'm not saying I'm going on a "no buy," nor a "low buy" (a girl's got to know her limitations)," but rather a "conscious buy." I'm going to try and be more selective about my beauty purchases.
Also, when I started the blog, one of the things I wanted it to be was a beauty encyclopedia of sorts. I wanted to catalog all the beauty products, brands, collections, etc., that I own. So, with work coming to a grinding halt, I want to get this derailed train back on track. I hope you'll enjoy the ride.
How do you store your new beauty purchases?
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