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Am I Wrong

Hey, how are you? ...

I'm fine apart from suffering from a cold/flu #coughing up lungs. I'm getting better (just in case your worrying wondering). I just thought I'd say thanks to those who have subbed to my blog and, or are following it. I don't like to discuss stats but it seems a lot of people (or robots) are viewing my page - thank you! I am still obsessed with makeup and I have lots of posts on the boil for you - its just that time constraints and ill planing has not allowed me to post them yet ... but I will. I have so much I want to share and blogging has really helped me fine tune my voice and assess my whole opinions about things beyond makeup. I really feel that life is for living and that it really is precious and short. I don't want to be that person who regrets not going out and forging their dream, I want to welcome change not run from it yet, I know things take time. So like I've said before this blog will be about other things too ... sorry I'm not one dimensional (who is?). I've decided that whilst I'm a closed book in many respects I am willing to share aspects of myself - well it is my blog I guess - my journal that I'm broadcasting to essentially the whole *gulp* world. So expect much more than makeup. So yep that's me done _ i'm off now for some r&r - I'll check for y'all later. Till then. 

Enough about me - how are you? Let me know in the comments below!
You're comments are always welcomed and appreciated :)!

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