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October Hopes and Goals

This week has been a rollarcoaster. At the start of it I was so motivated to get started with blogtober, blogging everyday for a month seemed like a big challenge but I was ready to take it on. Then after my hospital appointment, you can read about that emotional day here, I felt so deflated. So, that's led to me spending all day trying my best to write a post but until now, 9pm at night, I didn't feel like blogtober was possible anymore. I think it will be a good distraction though and I'd rather try and then fail than quit before I've even started. I'm going to ease myself in gently, a chatty post about my hopes and goals for the month ahead and basically just what I'm going to be up to. I promise my content will get better as the days go on!

The biggest thing that is happening during October is I'm moving! For the past 2 years I've been in a long distance relationship and it's time to make the big move. On the 22nd I'll be heading up to Hull to live there, not just to visit! Of course I have nerves about moving, I'm moving out of home for the first time, but I'm so excited. Long distance isn't easy, especially when you both have medical problems, but emotionally it's tough too so I can't wait to move. I'll be starting to have a clear out soon and then it's time to pack everything up, I've lived in my house nearly all my life so it will be strange seeing all my things in boxes but I can't wait for a fresh start somewhere, I think you'll agree I need some happiness in my life right now.

As for my goals, first on the list is I want to read more. I have a bookcase full of books and I've still not read a lot of them, I don't know what happened but somewhere along the line I just stopped reading. I've got a few books on my desk that I've bought recently that I'm dying to start reading so hopefully they will help to fire up my inner bookworm again.

I also want to start writing a to-do list everyday, I used to do it a lot and I always ended up getting more things done but it is so easy to just say 'I'll do it tomorrow.' I've gotten some super cute stationery to help me keep track of everything so hopefully that will help me to achieve this goal, you can't go wrong with some colourful post it notes.

I suppose an obvious goal would be to complete Blogtober but it is definitely on my list. The chances of me completing it are slim so if I do I'll be over the moon but I'll be happy even if this just boosts my motivation and helps me to be more consistent. I've recently gotten a new blog design and header, if you hadn't already noticed, so that's helping to motivate me to blog. I would love to know what inspires you to open your laptop and write posts! That's it for now, I know this isn't the most exciting post but I'm happy I managed to actually write it, fingers crossed they'll be another one tomorrow.

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