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Democrats Are Communists

A few months before our last presidential election, I had an encounter with my first heathen. It was a normal quiet evening at home. I was watching "The Five" when a knock on the door got my attention. I opened the door and there stood a little man of about five feet, six inches and looking every bit of perhaps in his sixties. He was holding a clipboard. "Are you Carroll Bryant?" He asked.

I stared him down. He looked like he was soliciting something and clearly, he didn't know how to read because he failed to understand the sign posted on my door which states: 'No Soliciting. This means YOU!.' I answered him anyway. "Yes, I'm Carroll Bryant."

I didn't get the mans name, even though he did tell me, I just didn't give a damn because after telling me his name, he mentioned he was a democrat running for office in the nearby town. The word democrat quickly put me in a vile mood. It's the trigger word that sends me into super defense mode. It's the most offensive word to me in the English dictionary. The man continued speaking. "I see here you are listed as an Independent and you intend to vote?"

"Yes." I mumbled. "I'm voting for Trump."

"Oh," The little weasel responded, "is that written in stone? What I mean is, I was wondering if you would like to switch to democrat?"

"Switch to democrat?" I copied. "Are you retarded?" He looked at me with severe confusion on his face. I didn't allow him time to answer because in reality, that was a rhetorical question. I went on. "Why would I want to become a communist?"

"A what?" Mr. Dork-ass stuttered. "A communist? I'm not a communist."

"Yes you are." I reiterated firmly, before adding, "All democrats are communist shit-holes. Now get off my lawn. I won't ask you twice."

"Mr. Carroll", this dip-shit kept talking, "I'm not a communist. Democrats are not communists. Where do you get this?"

"I get this from the fact that you ass wipes are in love with China." I told him. "And because I said you are communists. Besides," I added for good measure, "does it look like I want to live in a tent?" (Of course I was referring to the state of California where hundreds of thousands of people are homeless and live in tents.)

The cockroach took a deep breath or two and started to say something when I quicl;y extended my arm and placed my hand tightly around his pencil neck, lifted him up slightly and began marching towards the edge of my yard. "I said to get off my lawn and I wasn't going to ask you twice."

When I tossed him out, he started gathering his senses as my action took him by complete surprise. He soon began to give me a 'talking to' while fumbling with his cell phone and called the police. "That's assault." This prick was saying. "You just assaulted me."

I stood firm. "I didn't assault you. If I ever assault you, you wouldn't know it for three months, which is how long your coma would last."

Nonetheless, we waited for the cops. Long story short, no charges were filed. "It's his yard." The cop explained. "You were trespassing. He asked you to leave. You refused. He has every right to remove you forcibly off the premises. I know Mr. Bryant and quite frankly, you are lucky he didn't shoot you."

This idiot did a double take after hearing this. I looked over at the cop. "I'm in a good mood today."

Despite his constant butt-hurt whining, the cop ended up leaving with wise words to the dummy. "Stay out of his yard and you won't have anything to worry about."

This wasn't the first time an event like this took place. Some months earlier, another democrat politician knocked on my door to try and get to me to convert to the CONFORMITY side. He said if I did so, I could vote in the democrat primary. I pretty much gave him the same business as I did the second guy. The cops were called to that one. It almost turned into a big mess, but lessons were learned that was then applied to the second incident.

The point is; Democrats think they are privileged or something. They think their shit doesn't stink when in fact, it stinks to high heaven. Democrats are evil creatures. They are the biggest bullies in the universe. Their hate, anger and violence is so out of control, there is no way in hell I would ever even consider voting for them, much less, vote for them.

They are communists! Make no mistake. They support socialist and communist ideals. They are already living the fascist dream because they have the mainstream media / social media pushing their evil agenda. They support the terrorist organization known as Hamas, and they support MS-13, the fascist group known as Antifa. The racist hate groups called Black Lives Matter and Black Panther Party. They also support and kiss the stupid asses of racist Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton.

It's simple, democrats want everyone to conform to their communism, and when you don't, they will stop at nothing to try and destroy you. This is evil. As is killing babies in the womb or moments shortly after birth. I am an Atheist myself, but I'm pretty sure that Jesus would not be cool with that, nor would God be down with that, if there was a God. And if God did approve of killing babies, then I wouldn't think he would be God as much as maybe being Lucifer.

If you look at the liberal policies in major cities, you will see the horrible living conditions, the crime / shooting rates, the poverty in black communities, the terrible education systems, the homelessness, and the list goes on and on and on.

Their constant hatred, anger and violence, backed by so many of their lies, was reason enough for me to go from an Independent that once leaned left, to one that now leans a little bit right. But this doesn't matter to these things, they will still call me a republican because the truth about democrats is, if you don't support their COMMUNIST ideas, then you're a republican to them.

I have spent my life standing up to bullies. Fighting is one of the things that I can do really well. My grandfather, before he died, told me to be responsible with that ability. He was the one who said I should use it for good, to protect and defend people from evil. Mostly children and women. This is why I now stand up against democrats. Because they are EVIL.

The following represents some of what I consider evil. (But not limited to): MURDERERS, RAPISTS, PEDOPHILES, DEMOCRATS, SOCIALISTS, COMMUNISTS, FASCISTS, TERRORISTS.

So, when you think of places that democrats love and or support like, China, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, and remember when they offered Russia a "reset" button? Then just think about democrats because ultimately, their goal is to turn America into nothing more than the second China.

In my town, we know how to keep our democrats in line. I wish all of America could do the same. Our local democrats know better than to go out and start spewing their hate and violence around  here. They know they will have to deal with the likes of me, and my friends. And no cop around here will protect them because mostly, we deal with our own issues as a community more than as law enforcement. The point is, our local democrats know that if they go out using their violent tactics in my town, they will be met with violence more violent than what they can produce.

We just do not tolerate it here. End of story.

I know some of you will say, "But Carroll, not all democrats are evil." But I say, "Hogwash!" Because even if you think a democrat isn't evil, just remember, they will vote for democrats into office that are evil. Just look at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Or Ilhan Omar, Tlaib, Pressley, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Watters, Chuck Schumer, or any other democrat holding office. They are ALL EVIL to the core. They have no souls. Just listen to them, all of them. All they do is talk about how bad things are or will be. It's always DOOM and GLOOM for them, and then they talk about how great it is to live in a tent. It's sick! I don't think I have ever met a democrat that doesn't have, or show signs of having, a mental illness.

Look at Chicago. It's so bad there that the rest of the state is trying to KICK THEM OUT.

So, the next time some democrat politician comes knocking on your door, trying to recruit you into their racist / hate group, just say no. Make sure you make it clear to them that you are not, nor shall you ever become, a piece of shit COMMUNIST.

Then physically throw them out of your yard.  Ha!




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