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Bebe Young care Shine control face wash: Review

My trip to Germany last time was made in a hurry as I had come back from a 10 day long Bharat Darshan tour and had just 5 days left with me to pack my stuff. In all the fuss, and airport check in rules and regulations - I forgot to keep my tooth brush and Face wash with me. The worst part was that I reached Ulm, Germany on Sunday, when all shops were closed and I didn't know where to go searching for these two necessities. Fortunately, I got a blend-a-dent toothbrush at the railway station and somehow could manage with one spare emergency small bottle of clean and clear face wash that I keep in my purse all the time and that had last minuscule amount of stuff left in it to work for me that day.

But, next day I had to go and pick up a facewash most urgently. I went to the Muller mall nearby my hotel, and was immediately lost in the whole section of beauty and cosmetics, with so many brands glaring at me, inviting me to pick them up.

Kudos to my poor hold on German language, I was about to pick up “Body-dusch” thinking it to be body lotion, but some kind girl told me that it was a body wash. Imagine the horrors it would have made, if I'd applied it as body lotion and gone out. It was all rainy there in Germany. I can't think of what kind of horrible looks I'd have got, had people seen me dripping foam and water on the roads.
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