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Beat chapped lips this winter

Happy Monday lovelies!

With the colder weather coming along, and the matte lipsticks being in the front row of my lipstick organizer, my lips have been the worst! Cracked, flaky and painful lips are my curse! If they're yours too, read on to hear a few tips!

First of all, when your lips feel dry, resist with all your self control the urge to lick them to add some moisture. Your saliva will dehydrate your lips and they will chap even more! No licking! Secondly, to get rid of the dry skin on your lips, don't even think about picking on them (I'm the first guilty here), rather scrub them gently. There are many way to get about the process, you can use your toothbrush or use a dedicated scrub. My favorite is the Lush Popcorn Lip Scrub which is a sweet sugar scrub. You just rub this into your lips at night before going to bed, tastes like popcorn and isn't harsh at all. An inexpensive alternative is the E.l.f. Cosmetics Studio Lip Exfoliator or you can make a DIY Lip Scrub by mixing some coarse cane sugar with some honey and lemon juice and apply the same way.

Once your lips are exfoliated, it is important to apply a lip treatment that will hydrate the lips and form a barrier to keep the moisture in. I have tried an infinite amount of lip balms over the years and only recently i found my perfect fit. A friend brought me three EOS lip balms from Canada and now I'm hooked! One is permanently with me in my purse, one is in my living room and one on my night stand. These are all-organic and rich in natural oils that hydrate and moisturize the lips, no mineral oil or other nasties in sight. Now you know I'm not picky on my ingredients as long as a product works, but lately all my Labello lip balms were drying up my lips instead of helping, probably a lack of deep nourishing ingredients. I have tried the Aloe lip balm from The Body Shop and loved that one as well, but it was a bit too sticky for my taste.

And finally, if your lips are having a hard time, cut back on the matte lips and give them some more love with more hydrating formulas. No need to give up bold colors though, hello Rebel by MAC!
So here are my tips to beat chapped lips this winter, I hope it is useful.
What are your solutions for lip care?

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