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UNDER THE MICROSCOPE: Violent Lips/Violent Eyes

Hello again and happy hump day Wednesday! WOOHOO!

Only one more day of work before Easter Break! (read: bulk napping for four days LOL)


Tonight's post will be on the Violent Lips/Violent Eyes Products that you may have seen floating around the net! These things turn heads! (and you need to be a little bit brave to wear them, particularly the lips!)

I orginally purchased these products when I went to support Andy Murray at the Australian Open with the Fiance! (Unfortunately, no Scottish Flags so I had to settle for Union Jacks!)
I was pretty excited to try these out!

Violent Lips Packaging

Violent Eyes Packaging

The packaging is quite decent but the back is REALLY sticky so you just about have to destroy the packet to open it! It is nice and sturdy though (your lips/eyes aren't likely to bend or bow!)

Violent Lips

Back of Violent Lips

 The lips pop out of their little paper stencil and on the back is various markings so that you can trim to your desired size! There is a video tutorial on the Violent Lips website which outlines what you need (cotton tip and scissors really!) and how to get them on! I did find them rather awkward to use... they definitely take practise! It ended up taking me two goes to get my lips decent but I am sure that with more practise it would be easier! 
The Finished Product!
Ta-da!! As you can see... super effective and they look pretty awesome! (don't mind me cropping out the fiance! haha). The only downside was they felt a bit sticky... I was worried to put my lips together incase they stuck together and ripped apart! (and I was licking my lips every 20 seconds because of this too!). You can put gloss over them, but I had read somewhere that people had issues with it and I didn't want to wreck them! (It was the Grand Final and I didn't want to have silly looking lips if I was gonna be on the telly!)

Violent Eyes

The Violent Eyes have a similar set up to the lips - you pop them out of the paper and there are markings on the back so you can cut them to size. Though with these you get four different styles to choose from depending on your mood! Once again, there is a tutorial on their website which is strongly worth the watch! Images below of the finished product!
Eyes Open!

Eyes Closed!

Once again, super effective! I liked that these were a bit more subtle - likely to appeal to alot more people than the lips! (That being said I didn't make them very subtle with my blue lips!) The eyes were comfortable to wear and didn't budge! I had put one eye on a bit crooked and could notice it but you would have had to have been staring at my face! They were alot easier to get on than the lips (I found). You can put your desired eye makeup on underneath too! Awesome!

These products definitely turn heads and I received lots of comments while wearing them! (Lips especially!)

I bought my Violent Lips/Eyes from www.violentlips.com. They have free worldwide shipping and they often have discount coupons! (win win!). I have bought some more too, I bought the black glitterati eyes... I am pondering some more lips but I am struggling to think of an occasion where I could get away with them!

Have any of you tried the Eyes/Lips? What are your thoughts?
Happy (early) Easter!
Your PM x

Please Note: When I review products I aim to be fair, based on my personal experience. Just because I do/don't like a certain feature/product doesn't mean you will have the same experience! Your thoughts may be the opposite to mine! (If only personal taste wasn't so subjective! lol) Therefore, take all of my reviews with a grain of salt! Though I do aim to try and point out all necessary things so that you can make an informed decision on a product, it doesn't mean that you may neccessarily love it/hate it as much as I do! Thanks :)

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