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Review: ELF Complexion Perfection

Ok! I know there's been quite a rave about these, both on Youtube and in the world of bloggers. Most reveiws I've read/heard are very positive, and honestly; I can see why!

 I'll just go through the looks of this really briefly before I go on to the product inside. 
It's very sleek-looking and looks like a high-end product with a clear reference to NARS' packaging of their products.

You have a nice, big mirror inside the lid of the complact which can be convenient if you're on the go.
One thing I'm missing is the peek-though part on the top though. The studio blushers and the studio single eyeshadows have it, and it's super convenient when you store the product the way I do; Stacked in a basket.
I also have the Blush and Bronzer Duo which has the same exterior packaging, so it would be nice to see which one's which without having to pick them up. A great thing, on the other side, is the fact that it says "Complexion Perfection" in black and white on the front.

Sorry, that wasn't as breif and quick as I'd hoped, but when I start typing I can't really stop, haha!

On to the product!
As you can see in the picture you get a compact which contains 13.5 grams of product. That's a really nice amount, and the price is really good too! I paid £3.50 for this, but if you're from the US or Canada it's only $3!

I really like the product in this thing! It's very practical and goes on your face so smooth. It also applies trancelucent, so don't let the colours in the pan scare you, they won't show when you put it on your face.

Here are the swatches, from left to right; yellow, blue, green and pink.

Each of the colours are supposed to cancel out a colour in you skin, e.g green cancels out red.
Now, this is very sheer, obviously, since it goes on trancelucent, so it won't leave a pigment on your skin, and it wont do all that much colour-correcting on it's own, so I use this to set my concealer and foundation. It works really well, and you can also set lipsticks etc. with this if you wanted too.

It mattifies really well too, which I really like, it'd rather add dewyness myself then get it from my foundation.
For applying this I use the ELF Complexion Brush which looks like this:
It's a rather fluffy powderbrush, and it works wonderfully! Such a nice, satin feel to the skin!

At first when I got this I tried using ELF's powder brush, since I previously used that with the Clarifying Pressed Powder, also by ELF, and it worked wonders, but with this product it picked up way to much product and left my face very powdery looking.

I don't sweep this over my face, I pick up the product with the brush and "press" it into my skin. Then I go back over it with the same brush to "blend" and get off any excess powder. I don't wanna look powdery!

That's pretty much it, and I really reccomend this product, it's well worth the hype!

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