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New website: The Beauty Plus

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Good news, people. Jane Cunningham the author of British Beauty Blogger has launched a fantastic new website The Beauty Plus aimed at women 'who love their age.' On the subject of anti-ageing the south London, super-blogger says:

'You have to wonder why the beauty industry thinks that youth is so important. It’s simple. Brands create fear around ageing so that we will do anything and everything to avoid that hideous fate. Positioning youth as beauty drives home the message that unless you use their products, then a miserable, wrinkle ridden life awaits. It’s an insulting perception that any women in the Beauty+ category is unhappy with how they look.'

At last, someone talking common sense! I had a chat with Jane last week and she told me:

'I would like brands to change the phrase anti-ageing, there are enough of us - women over 45 account for £1.9bn worth of sales in toiletry and cosmetics - and we want to be positive not negative. It's just a different phase of our lives. I'm calling it Beauty+.'

The website features beauty tips, news - I learned that the gorgeous French record producer Caroline de Maigret, 39, is collaborating with Lancome on a new make up range - and a regular feature called 'Things your mum says'. It's early days yet but given Jane's brilliant beauty knowledge this is definitely one to watch.

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